The health and well-being of your family depend on the air quality of your Savannah, Georgia, home. While many options exist to clean your air, perhaps none is more effective than natural methods. By using these techniques, you don’t introduce any chemicals or contaminants to your home, and the result is nothing short of remarkable. The next time you’re looking to improve the air quality in your home, try a few of these natural remedies.

Use Houseplants

You don’t necessarily have to turn the inside of your home into a botanical garden, but adding a few plants definitely helps filter the air. When you head to your local nursery or home improvement store, try buying aloe vera and yucca, as well as succulents such as different types of cacti, as these are the best plants to treat the air. Most of them are also relatively inexpensive and require little upkeep.

Clean the Floors Regularly

If you’ve ever changed the air filter in your home, you’ve probably noticed how dirty it looks after just a few short weeks. This is because dust is constantly brought into the house, meaning it gets into the air ducts and HVAC appliances and causes problems. To combat this, it’s important to keep your floors clean. Dust eventually settles on hardwood floors and carpets and when you walk around, it actually kicks it into the air. Keeping floors swept and mopped help improve your air quality and reduce allergy and asthma symptoms.

Have a Home Energy Audit

It’s recommended that you do a home energy audit at least once a year, so if you’ve never done one before, you’re way overdue. During a home energy audit, one of our technicians comes to your home and assesses where you can improve your home’s energy usage and also how to keep the air purer. Our trained professionals then offer advice to fix problems such as a duct cleaning, installation of an air purifier, or the use of UV lamps. These particular methods don’t use harmful chemicals or cleaning methods and are therefore considered green, environmentally friendly choices.

Limit Moisture in the Home

By limiting moisture in your home, not only are you more comfortable, but your air is safer to breathe, as well. The most comfortable level of relative humidity in your home is between 40 percent and 60 percent. It’s hard to have total control of your humidity without a humidifier or dehumidifier, although you can do several things to naturally control it. Such activities include opening the window when showering or cooking, hanging clothes to dry outside, and fixing any plumbing before it becomes a problem.

Avoid Air Fresheners

Many people use air fresheners in the home to make it smell more inviting, especially when having company over. However, many of these plug-in fresheners, aerosols, and even candles emit tons of hazardous chemicals, many of which have never been studied by the FDA. As an alternative, stick to natural sources of fragrance, such as flowers, oil-based diffusers, or freshly cut fruit. This will drastically improve the air quality of your home if you’re prone to using air fresheners on a regular basis.

Get Repairs Done Quickly

It isn’t as natural as some of the other suggestions on this list, but waiting to complete repairs on your air conditioning or heating not only lowers your air quality but also creates costly problems down the road. If you notice your HVAC system running without a significant temperature change, or you find that it’s not running at all, that means you need to call us ASAP. The earlier you get help, the more money you usually save. Waiting only causes further problems and forces your HVAC system to work needlessly.

Improving the air quality of your home naturally means planning ahead and taking care of problems before they get out of control. No matter what method you choose, the professionals at Byrd Heating and Air Conditioning can help take the worry out of the situation. Our expert team can help assess your air quality and come up with ways to help improve it. To schedule an appointment, call us today at 912-373-8447.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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