Is It Possible to Add Central Cooling to Older Homes?

A hot summer afternoon in Georgia is enough to turn any home without air conditioning into a sauna. Noisy window air conditioners are adept at lowering temperatures, but they spoil charming exteriors and block your view to the outside. You may pine for central air...

Maintain the Landscaping Around the A/C Unit With These Tips

You probably consider the outdoor air conditioning unit to be an eyesore in your yard. You can certainly plant landscaping around the A/C unit to conceal it, but take these tips into account to prevent restricting airflow and causing performance issues. Leave Enough...

5 Easy Tips for Troubleshooting A/C Problems in Your GA Home

With a Georgia summer on the way, a faulty A/C is more than a waste of energy; it’s a big threat to your home comfort. Getting your home’s HVAC system tuned up this spring is an excellent preventive measure, but if you have an older air conditioner, you...

Window Condensation Equals Excess Home Humidity, and That’s a Problem

If you’re searching for signs of excess humidity in the home, first take a look out the window. One of the most visible red flags of surplus water vapor in the air is condensation forming on the inside of window panes. Other locations in the house may be equally...

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